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Jul 24, 2018

A-Z VoIP Termination Routes For Call Centers? (Questions/Answers)

5 Questions A New Call Center Might Ask When Looking For A-Z VoIP Termination Routes

If you have ever worked in a call center, you know firsthand how busy the center can become. Phones are ringing, and call takers with their headsets on greeting the caller, and solving their problem. As soon as the call taker hangs up, they must be ready to accept the next call in the queue. If you owned that call center, every second adds up when it comes to billable minutes.

If you, the owner of the call center, recently learned you could switch from foreign fix-lined networks to international mobile networks at a fraction of the cost, and still provide excellent call center service, and now bring on mobile operators that work from different locations you’d want to know where to sign up.

Now if you are a new call center start-up with 20 or more mobile operators, and no call center structure to maintain, and no fix-lined networks to switch over from, you’d be the competitor the call center owner does not know you’re using an Interconnected VoIP Service Provider. Which leads us to our first question the call center might want to know.

Are You An Interconnected VoIP Service Provider?

When a new call center owner or the decision maker is calling to inquire about needing A-Z VoIP termination routes, they want to know two things first:

  1. Are you a VoIP reseller?
  2. Are you a hosted VoIP Service provider?

The difference between a VoIP reseller and a Hosted VoIP Service Provider is quite significant which leads us to our next question.

What Is The Difference Between a VoIP Reseller and a Hosted VoIP Service Provider?

VoIP reselling a software product is very common and popular with IT companies. The reseller, (IT firm), offers the product to their customer base. The company that created the software product controls and maintains the hardware and network.

The Hosted VoIP service provider owns the software and possibly created it too. They also hold and maintain the network and the hardware, and controls every part of the Interconnected VoIP service.

With the reseller; if the company they resold the VoIP software for, decides to end the program or service, the customer base or call center who bought the product, may lose phone service. Now the IT reselling company has to scramble around to find another VoIP product to offer.

The Hosted VoIP service provider won’t have those issues. They are stable and owning every part of the service, the call center decision maker knows if there are any problems when they contact the provider, it is their system, and they can address the issue immediately.

What Are Your Hosted VoIP Rates?

Every IT company hates it when a caller wants to know the rates up front. Most Hosted VoIP providers provide their rates on their website; others prefer to gather more information before quoting a price.

But to be fair to the new call center decision maker, they are in a very competitive industry. Every second count with billable minutes towards their customers.

When a call center advises their billable minimums or increments of 1/1 they are a start-up, or possibly their market is saturated, and they have to operate and compete on slim margins. They would like to get 12/6 or even 30/6 billing increments. So, the Host VoIP provider’s rates are crucial to know.

Do You Offer A-Z VoIP Termination Routes?

What the call center is asking is how far do the termination routes cover. Not all hosted VoIP providers will extend coverage all across the globe, which is what A-Z VoIP Termination routes mean, but other IT VoIP firms invite clients with that need.

Do You Offer The Best Quality?

Here is another excellent question from call centers. Let’s say they are a roadside assistance call center. Their inbound calls come from stranded motorists. Those motorists pay a premium to their insurance company to have the roadside coverage in the event of a breakdown.

That motorist is frustrated, angry or possibly scared. When the stranded driver calls in, they want to speak to a call taker as quickly as they can without any communication issues. The call center is typically contracted by the insurance company to accept the calls and dispatch services.

If the call taker cannot understand what the motorist is saying, because phone quality is terrible, the stranded person will complain to their insurance company about the lousy service they received, and that’s the reason why a call center needs to know if the quality is the best. They cannot afford to lose a contract due to poor VoIP phone quality.

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